Snoring is one of the biggest relationship killers that there is!
Do you lie awake at night because your partner snores? Does it make you tired, irritable, lack energy & focus and even get angry at the one you love?
Hi, I just wanted to send you an email to say how impressed I am with your night pro mouth guard! My husband had been using the ApenaRX one that we've had replaced 3 times under warranty because the adjustment sliders kept breaking off, the final straw last week. I found your website in my search for a cheaper option. We rely so much on these mouth guards just to be able to function and work so the fast shipping was amazing! The product is way more solid and sturdy feeling than the $240 one he had and he said it feels more comfortable too. We'll definitely be long time customers of yours!
- Cinda
And we also understand that everyone is different. What works for one person, won't necessarily work for YOU!
This is so important to consider in a world that is churning out masses of generic products that simply don't work because of individual differences from person to person.
The Snorblok NitePro is different.
It is designed especially to adjust to fit YOU, so that it works effectively for YOU.
Unlike other options, it's not going to cost $300, $500 or more!
The NitePro is a clever anti-snoring mouthpiece, technically known as a Mandibular Advancement Device.
This simply means that it advances, or moves the lower jaw forward, when it is worn during the night.
Science has shown that this can severely reduce or even eliminate snoring in most people.
This is rather embarrassing but I’m wanting to share my experience in case it helps someone.
I’m a terrible snorer 😳... I have a narrow passage that causes my soft palate to vibrate against the back of throat loudly. I’ve used strips, sprays, mouth guards and had radiotherapy surgery (which was painful and expensive) to try and rectify my snoring ... nothing seemed to work 😩
Last week I purchased a Snorblok NitePro... It cost$97, offered free shipping and a money back guarantee. I thought, what do I have to lose? If it doesn’t work or it is uncomfortable I’ll just send it back for a refund. Well, last night I moulded the Snorblok nitepro to my teeth and gave it a try and to my utter surprise, astonishment and relief IT ACTUALLY BLOODY WORKED! I’ve attached my results from the SnoreLab app to show the difference. The left pic being the “before” and the right pic being the “after”.
Amazing right ? I’m super happy! If you struggle to sleep with a loud snorer or area loud snorer yourself, give this a go. You can monitor your own results with the SnoreLab app which you can download for free.
On the 17th, we have her snoring score at 96 on the SnoreLab app. EPIC snoring during the night! On the 22nd, now with her NitePro, her score is1!!
See Tracey's post here on facebook
Remember, results are not typical and may vary by person.
Hi, I am 7 days post op from a knee replacement and having to sleep on my back was causing me to snore badly as I normally sleep on the side, I tried the snorblok for the first time and wow what results for the first night without any adjustments and dealing with the night pain, this product is incredible and once I get comfortable wearing it my snoring will stop and, I wish I had found years ago! Very happy with it .
Adrian Fitzgerald
This review is for the nitepro anti snoring mouthpiece which I highly recommend! I had tried a variety of other things to reduce my snoring, such as sprays and nasal strips, other top only mouth pieces and wedge pillows and none of them have worked - this did. I was a mild to medium snorer, but this almost completely eliminates it. It does take a little bit of getting use to though, and your jaw might be a bit achey after the first few tries.
Richard Mansel
Studies by medical professionals and institutions over many years have found that when we sleep:
The soft tissues in the throat relax,
The tongue can fall into the back of the throat
And the airway is partially obstructed.
Air needs to travel faster through the throat to keep up with each breath, making the soft tissues in the throat vibrate, causing snoring!
Sleep Specialists have trialed numerous methods, and found that if the lower jaw is re-positioned forward and held in that advanced position, in most cases it keeps the throat and airway open, seriously reducing or eliminating snoring.
The first diagram shows the tongue relaxing and the throat collapsing during sleep. This obstruction makes the tissue vibrate, causing snoring.
When the lower jaw is pushed forward (upwards in this diagram) using a Mandibular Advancement Device, the airway is opened and snoring is reduced or eliminated.
The backbone of the Snorblok NitePro2 is the solid upper and lower frames. These frames attach to the upper and lower teeth moulds, and connect together with the adjustable sliding mechanism.
The solid frame design is superior to other devices as it maintains the structure of the mouthpiece over the long term.
This is in contrast to many unbranded products that are made entirely from soft materials, which when subject to constant pressure from a persons jaw, soon lose their shape and become ineffective.
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To provide a custom fit to everyone's individual teeth, the Snorblok features the special ThermalForm moulding system.
The moulds are made from non-toxic mouldable medical grade materials and are attached to the solid upper and lower frames.
The teeth are moulded in using the simple "boil and bite" method, and once fitted, all that's needed is for the mouthpiece to be adjusted into the correct position.
Everyone requires a different setting to work for them - one size doesn't necessarily fit all. It also means that if you require further adjustment over time you can do it yourself.
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Something this good must be too hard to use, right? Wrong!
While the NitePro2 is vastly different in function to a sports mouthguard, the principle to moulding them is the same.
Heat water in a pot or bowl to between 80° and 85°C
Fit the special moulding handle (not shown un the diagram)to the mouthguard and place it so that they entire mouthguard is submerged. Leave the moulding handle out if possible to save using a utensil to remove the mouthguard.
Soak for 10-15 seconds
Pick out the mouthguard and let it cool for 3-5 seconds.
Place the mouthguard carefully in your mouth ensuring that it is not still hot enough to burn you, align with teeth and bite firmly into the top and bottom mouldable material.
Moulding is finished and yo are ready to try out during the night.
Order now! Our promise is that we'll get your NitePro delivered to you in blazing fast time!