Snorblok NitePro Anti Snoring Mouthguard & Airmax Combo
Combo value deal with a Snorblok Nitepro mouthpiece to stop you snoring with an Airmax Nasal Dilator pair to keep you breathing well through your nose.
The Snorblok Nitepro anti snoring device is one of the best snoring dental devices in New Zealand. It is a fully adjustable mouthpiece with solid upper and lower frames that maintain the structure of the mouthpiece, unlike many making it superior to the many other products made from soft materials which can loosen shape when subjected to constant pressure.
The Snorblok Nite Prop features a special ThermalForm moulding system, made from
non-toxic mouldable medical grade materials. Using the simple "boil and bite" method, the teeth is moulded to the material, creating a custom fit.
For maximum effectiveness, the NitePro is easy to adjust. Requiring no tools, to adjust, simply press the locking tabs on either side, and slide the bottom plate to the ideal position. There are 10 locking positions in 1mm increments.
The Airmax® is a nonsurgical noninvasive anti-snoring treatment. It works by helping people who snore to breathe more freely through the nose.
Airmax® widens the narrowest part of the nose without being visible on the outside of the nose. The mechanical widening has shown efficacy in increasing the airflow, which enables the air to go deeper into the lungs and provides more oxygen.
The Airmax® nasal dilator has been studied and tested extensively in scientific clinical research and is proven effective with many cases of snoring.
Airmax® helps people with a mild form of sleep apnoea to breathe more freely through the nose.
The Airmax® nasal dilator is made in the Netherlands from a soft, odourless and medically certified plastic. It has been developed for a comfortable fit and to date there have been no cases of allergic reactions due to use of the product reported.
See individual listings for more details of these 2 products
What Our Customers Say
"Great product, getting a replacement cause I use it all the time but have had it over 9 months and use every night. Speedy shipping and arrived quickly. Thanks heaps!"
This is rather embarrassing but I’m wanting to share my experience in case it helps someone.
I’m a terrible snorer 😳... I have a narrow passage that causes my soft palate to vibrate against the back of throat loudly. I’ve used strips, sprays, mouth guards and had radiotherapy surgery (which was painful and expensive) to try and rectify my snoring ... nothing seemed to work 😩Last week I purchased a Snorblok NitePro... It cost $97, offered free shipping and a money back guarantee. I thought, what do I have to lose? If it doesn’t work or it is uncomfortable I’ll just send it back for a refund. Well, last night I moulded the Snorblok nitepro to my teeth and gave it a try and to my utter surprise, astonishment and relief IT ACTUALLY BLOODY WORKED! I’m super happy!
Hi, I just wanted to send you an email to say how impressed I am with your night pro mouth guard! My husband had been using the ApenaRX one that we've had replaced 3 times under warranty because the adjustment sliders kept breaking off, the final straw last week. I found your website in my search for a cheaper option. We rely so much on these mouth guards just to be able to function and work so the fast shipping was amazing! The product is way more solid and sturdy feeling than the $240 one he had and he said it feels more comfortable too. We'll definitely be long time customers of yours!
Received my Snorblok NitePro 2 days ago. Prompt service thank you. The results are amazing - instant silence. My wife had to poke me to make sure I was alive. A great product thank you. We are both delighted.