SOVA Junior Nightguard - 2 Pack
SOVA Junior Night Guard 2 Pack - No Storage case.
Have you already purchased a SOVA Junior Nightguard with the Sanitary Storage Case?
Do you want some spare or replacement mouthguards but don't need the case?
This is the deal for you. Get the SOVA Junior nightguard 2 pack and SAVE!
NORMALLY $99.99 - Now only $89.00
If you do want the SOVA 3D guard with the sanitary case, you can find it here.
The SOVA Junior night guard is a bruxism (teeth Grinding) appliance designed to stop children's teeth grinding. It is easy to use by moulding perfectly to the shape of your child's teeth at home.
We all know that it is never too early to protect precious little smiles. The SOVA Junior Night Guard has been developed with kids in mind right from the start. Childrens teeth grinding is becoming an increasing problem and the SOVA Junior Nightguard is the quick and easy answer to this.
Designed in a smaller size to fit small jaws, the SOVA Junior was developed specifically for growing jaws and teeth and is designed to distribute the pressure caused by night grinding, which relieves the pain and protects kids' teeth at night from chipping and other damage.
It's easy to mould and can be re-molded unlike other guards. The thermoplastic material has a high tensile strength and is biocompatible, biodegradable and BPA-free.
After immersion in 55˚C water, the material becomes soft and pliable and can be molded against the teeth until it becomes hardened. Hardening take about one minute.
It can also be heated and remolded up to 20 times, so you can get a truly comfortable fit without destroying the guard's shape.
- 1.6mm Thin
- Remoldable
- No Impressions required from a dentist
- BPA, Latex, Phthalate, PVC Free
- Works With Ortho Appliances
- Child Sized Guard
- Custom comfort in minutes
- Allows natural flow of air and saliva
- Talk, breathe, drink while in place
- Immediate solution for bruxism relief
- 120 day durability warranty
- Can be used on the top or bottom teeth

Diffusix™ Technology
Diffusix™ technology is incorporated into the SOVA 3D bruxism nightguard. It has unique perforations and is designed with “crumple zones” which stop the impart of the teeth grinding from traveling to your teeth, which relieves pain and reduces the risk of dental injury.
How it Works
Especially designed to withstand more impact than a conventional mouthguard, SOVA’s scientifically engineered crumple zones prevent the force of impact from traveling to your teeth. When properly fitted, a SOVA Nightguard's perforations oscillate on impact, which dissipates the grinding forces and guides them into the crumple zones.
Custom Fit for Comfort
SOVA nightguard provides a snug, custom fit, with perforations that allow air to freely flow through the guard, helping you to breath easy and always providing maximum comfort.
Super Tough & Durable
While many night guards are easy to chew through, SOVA nightguard material is 8 times tougher and 30-50% stronger than conventional EVA night guard material. SOVA will last no matter how much you clench or grind, backed by our market leading 120 days warranty.
Remouldable Up To 20 Times
SOVA night guard can also be remolded up to 20 times. So whether you’re looking to try a new fit or your child’s mouth is growing , SOVA allows you to adjust over time, maintaining a perfect fit.
Clinically Proven
SOVA Night Guard provides the same protection as a dentist made night guard at a fraction of the cost. For more information, read the University of Michigan case study here.
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What Our Customers Say
"Great product, getting a replacement cause I use it all the time but have had it over 9 months and use every night. Speedy shipping and arrived quickly. Thanks heaps!"
This is rather embarrassing but I’m wanting to share my experience in case it helps someone.
I’m a terrible snorer 😳... I have a narrow passage that causes my soft palate to vibrate against the back of throat loudly. I’ve used strips, sprays, mouth guards and had radiotherapy surgery (which was painful and expensive) to try and rectify my snoring ... nothing seemed to work 😩Last week I purchased a Snorblok NitePro... It cost $97, offered free shipping and a money back guarantee. I thought, what do I have to lose? If it doesn’t work or it is uncomfortable I’ll just send it back for a refund. Well, last night I moulded the Snorblok nitepro to my teeth and gave it a try and to my utter surprise, astonishment and relief IT ACTUALLY BLOODY WORKED! I’m super happy!
Hi, I just wanted to send you an email to say how impressed I am with your night pro mouth guard! My husband had been using the ApenaRX one that we've had replaced 3 times under warranty because the adjustment sliders kept breaking off, the final straw last week. I found your website in my search for a cheaper option. We rely so much on these mouth guards just to be able to function and work so the fast shipping was amazing! The product is way more solid and sturdy feeling than the $240 one he had and he said it feels more comfortable too. We'll definitely be long time customers of yours!
Received my Snorblok NitePro 2 days ago. Prompt service thank you. The results are amazing - instant silence. My wife had to poke me to make sure I was alive. A great product thank you. We are both delighted.